We went back to Cubbon Park today. We visited the Aquarium, walked around for a bit, and ended up at the Industrial and Technological Museum.
The aquarium is in this weird building.

Very utilitarian.

This is the upstairs. Two layers of fish all the way around, and one layer on the ground floor. That's it.

High Court of Karnataka.

The Library. We never found the Children's Library, but this one was cool. Floor to ceiling books, with ladders and everything.

Live Dinosaur. It moved, roared, and freaked Dalton out. I had to take him out of the room, and he cried for another 5 minutes - even after I paid 1 Rupee for our weight (59 kgs) and fortune (We will possibly see an increase in earnings) from the shiny, colorful, lit up machine. Maggie wanted to see it again on the way out of the museum.


Sewing machine evolution.
There were a LOT of hands on exhibits, from button-pushing to electric shock.

Floating Ball

Upside Up Dalton in the Concave Mirror.

Faux Indians on second generation computers - affordable by some businesses!

Lunch at Sunny's - recommended in Lonely Planet, "favored by the Expat community" and delicious.