We cook from scratch a lot in India and Maggie and I were both in need of an apron to save us from flour splatters. I also wanted something for Maggie for semi-messy crafts (clearly this apron will not protect from serious paint spills!) I just heard about U-Create's Create With Me, so I was checking for the February challenge to be posted - what do you know, a good excuse to finally make our aprons. Ta dum!
Here's the tutorial. I don't have a sewing machine, and the fabric options are pretty limited here. Also they wouldn't sell me less than 1 meter, so I picked a trim fabric that would match both of our aprons. I cut all the pieces ahead of time, and headed over to Kerri's for a few hours of stealing her sewing machine. The kids didn't mind - they love having new toys to play with!
And, despite the face, someone else loves it, too. Dalton begged to wear the apron after Maggie. You hear that, teenage boy? You were asking to wear it! I didn't make you! Next time I go to Commercial Street, I'll look for some boy fabric (not hopeful about this) and make another one.
I only got halfway done sewing my apron and haven't made it back to Kerri's, so I'll share it another time. Mine has an elastic pocket as well (slightly crooked, but nevermind).