Here is our new tree which John decorated. Not the presents from my secret santa under the tree! (Most of the rest are for Maggie.) And here is our little tree in the kitchen. You can see my new snowman (top), John's palmtree (middle) and Maggie's S'more snowman (bottom right).
More to come but here are some pictures of our Christmas decorationsGrandma Rosie's ceramic tree. Maggie loves these flourescent snowmen. Mom's advent calendar.
Mickey bells for the front door. Our Willow Tree nativity set.
It has snowed a few inches, so I went outside like a Californian and took pictures of our cute house all dressed for Winter. Also, the cute tree in our backyard.
Our new house is getting all set up. We're expecting couches for the front room tomorrow, and we still have a few pictures to hang. Them I am going to (clean and) take lots of pictures. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek from the cutest room in the house.