
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Birthday Surprise Trip to Newport Beach

Maybe you can't call it a "trip" since it was very far, but you can definitely call it a surprise and you can definitely call it a vacation.  I got this card on my birthday.

And these cupcakes picked out by John and the kids (candles from Leonard).

We went to a resort in Newport Beach. The best part of the trip is that John. Did. Everything. All the meal planning and cooking and clean-up and even laundry. All that stuff that makes a family vacation not much of a vacation for am om. It was awesome.

He made me wear a blindfold which freaked Maggie out until she realized it didn't mean permanently blinded. So yes, the whole way to Newport Beach and walking to the precipice from the car.

Future prom queen.

Kids' first time playing Twister from the activity center.

Finally got to open the rest of my presents.

Maggie picked out the Love & Magic shirt which I love.

Sienna really loved exploring the suite. (Instagram caption: She's an indoor-outdoor pet, and not yet housebroken.)
We did some of the resort activities. Each of the kids won a bingo game. 

Maggie participated in the pool games. She was a little underage, but she got put on a team with these three boys. They did pretty well, haha.

Koi fish feeding.

Putting green.

Fire pit s'mores.

Relaxing. Lots of relaxing.


Some Halloween crocheting.

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