
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Maggie Girl Draws

Snuggling with Grandma.

It took a few attempts, but Maggie managed to make a block tower taller than she is!

Here is some of Maggie's school work that I thought was particularly adorable.  She is supposed to use at least 5 colors in her pictures, and draw lots of details.  I've really noticed a change in her drawings because of those two rules.

I sumrsalt.

I see a brtheda. (She drew this on the day of Dalton's party.)

I love the little toiletries she did in this drawing.

She was supposed to draw three farm animals and picked a horse, a goose, and a rooster.

I see a baby in my Mommy tumy.  Note the birds feeding worms to their babies and the skeleton baby in my tummy.  Also how fat I am. "I don't think you're fat enough. I'm going to draw you a little more fat."

She drew this Mickey jack-o-lantern for my birthday.

This assignment was to draw herself taking a walk with a family member, and something they might see on a walk. I love the stoplight!

I think this was her first journal assignment, done in class.  "Snak"

1 comment:

  1. I loooooove seeing kids art! It's such an honest look right into their thoughts and personalities!
