Thursday was Maggie's 5th birthday party. She wanted a dinosaur party, of course! She did a lot of the work herself. I posted more dinosaur party details on Mommysavers, but I wanted to share some fun friend photos on our blog as well. We started with dinosaur egg invitations.
We also made dinosaur egg toppers for the dinosaur egg fossil favors. We used our homemade rock dough recipe, and hid plastic dinosaurs in each egg. Maggie made most of the eggs herself.
She decorated the cake all by herself. My aunt Sharon just helped by putting frosting on the Hershey's kiss spikes.
Friends came. All of the girls (including the 2 not pictured) were wearing pink!
We had a dinosaur dig with wood shavings and a baby pool. It wasn't nearly the mess I thought it was going to be.
The little ones especially loved it.
The kids made "fossils" with the dinosaurs they found. Thanks to Sharon for pre-making all the clay shapes, and Jill for manning this station.
There was lots of time for dinosaur play, and reading dinosaur books from the library. Thanks to Tasha for reading every dinosaur book with less than 1,000 words.
Everyone but Madeline wore their birthday hats the entire time.
We made a homemade dinosaur egg pinata. Well, I made a homemade dinosaur egg pinata, and the kids painted the spots on it. Maggie did yellow and Dalton did green, in case you couldn't tell.
Instead of gifts, we did a book exchange! A brilliant idea, if I do say so myself. Instead of 5 new toys or something else we don't need, we got two new books.
I planned lunch because two of the kids had preschool right after. We served dino chicken nuggets, pretzel sticks and rods, and spinach leaves. Thanks again to Jill and Sharon for getting the lunch all ready! Seriously, I had awesome helpers, and they came out of nowhere. =)
Here is the finished dinosaur cake. Rawr!
I love all the creative homemade touches on your dinosaur birthday party. Totally charming and lots of fun!