
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Videos

If you haven't noticed (and you probably haven't, but you probably don't care either) I made a new blog category called "Videos". The kids and I like to watch old videos of them, and this makes them easy to find. Some of my favorites are Aunto Bacho, Dalton's first steps (co-starring Aunt Erin and Ember, with voiceovers by Uncle Brook and Grandma - always good when we're missing family) and crazy dancing at Christmas.

Here are lots of new videos from today. First up: Dalton spelling the word "Friends" on his shirt. He did it this morning, and it reminded me of this video of Maggie, so I had him do it again on camera.

Here is a video Maggie made of me. She's very proud of it.

Maggie tells you all about Gondola and what dinosaurs are (and aren't) there.

Maggie sings her new favorite Primary song, "Stand for the Right."

Maggie tries "Stand for the Right" again.

Maggie makes up words to "Praise to the Man." Because we have all the Primary kids together here, the song-teaching caters to the older kids who can read, thus Maggie has a difficult time learning the songs, no matter how many times we sing them. Also, how many words in "Praise to the Man" does she even understand? Anyway, the video's hilarious.

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