
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Preschool Letters M-P

There's a little gap in our letters here. I hadn't blogged about J-L yet and they were on my hard drive when it crashed. I have the activities packed at home, or we'll see if Tasha has pictures.

Letter M is for Mitten. I traced Maggie's hand in a mitten shape and cut it out on two pieces of cardstock. I used a hole punch to add some holes and Maggie threaded a piece of yarn through the holes to make her own mitten.
Letter N is for Newspaper. The night before I prepared this Front Page News sheet for Maggie to fill in. She had a great time writing a news story about herself.
We also glued newspaper squares to her N and found a Nest to color.
Later in the week we did this Nativity craft.
Letter O is for Otter. Colette and Maggie both got to see Otters at the
zoo around the time we did this craft. I used a paper bag to make the otter, so ours is a puppet. I cut the bottom half of the back off and used it to make the arms and tail. I had to use a big pile of glue and let it dry a long time for the rock and shell, but they stayed on fine once dry. Maggie also colored a pink tongue on its mouth. We also watched The Wiggles' Henry the Octopus.
A few days later Maggie remembered that O is for Owl, so we made a construction paper owl. Because I'm a cool Mom like that.
Letter P is for Penguin. We made a penguin and sang a song about it. We used this cardboard crown from McDonald's to turn her into a Princess. I helped her draw the shapes and she colored them in to make jewels. We ate pomegranate seeds and peanut butter crackers. Maggie also wanted to make playdough. Here's my recipe. Later in the week we also talking about P is for Prophet and we practiced saying President Monson and sang Follow the Prophet.

Later in the week we Painted this butterfly. He is made from a paper plate, a q-tip, cut in half, and a toilet paper roll.

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