I made this play mail set for Colette when Madeline was born. She has four envelopes, a postcard, five stamps, and a little mail bag to keep it in.
I embroidered the names freehand on the machine. The postcard is my first attempt at machine applique. I cut out the shapes and sewed them on using a very short and wide zigzag stitch around the edges. The top of the postcard is stiff felt, but I don't think that was necessary after all.
I did the embroidery on each piece before sewing them together around the edges. I only did three edges for the envelopes. They are open on the top so she can put letters in. On the back I sewed the top triangle, and on the front, the names and a line on top. Then I sewed the three edges together.
The stamps are not shown, but I just used my pinking shears to cut out colorful felt rectangles.
I made this bag from a spare pant leg. I sewed up the bottom, embroidered the MAIL onto the felt and stitched it on, attached a handle, then handsewed the button on. The button has a little loop that goes around it to hold the bag closed. I think this turned out really cute using jeans.
Here are some play felt mail links. Luckily, I ran across these, because google wasn't much help finding more.
Craftpad Part 1
Craftpad Part 2
Emmer's Ideas
Nothing Fancy
I also had made a similar one kit of felt mail :D
Laura from Italy
I think your take on the postcard is just great! I was looking for felt envelope directions. Now I have to resist making this "little project" even MORE complicated. LOL