
Sunday, March 31, 2013


Our kids got a lot of Angry Birds stuff for Easter.

Decked out and loaded with goodies!
 Sienna on outfit number 3.

And outfit number 5. Who doesn't love Uncle Nathan's antics?

Trying out the new bubbles!

Sienna's Blessing

Sienna June was blessed today at her grandparents' house.  She wore my blessing dress from 31 years ago. *Not* made by my mom, as many people asked.

Lots of auntie and uncle love!

 Little shot of the bald spot.


Blanket made by my Aunt Sharon for Dalton.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Swinging Sienna

I got some really cute pictures of Sienna's first time in the swing today.

Almost a pout for a minute.

But she really enjoyed it!

Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt

We planned an Easter egg hunt at the park for some friends.  At night, with flashlights! We are carrying this tradition over from our last neighborhood.

There they go!

Baby girl was awake - and happy! - the whole time. She about lost it at the end, and we got her in bed just in time.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Extra Chadwicks at Disneyland

Even more family visit bonus! Brook, Erin, Logan, Ember and Erin's parents did a Disneyland trip this weekend.  We had lots of cousin/Auntie/Uncle/Surrogate-Grandparents fun!

Sienna does not look impressed.