
Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Little Man

Dalton is a good helper.
But also a bit naughty. I didn't catch him until he was climbing down.But he'd been trying to open the door.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bannerghatta Biological Park

On Christmas Day, we finally took Maggie to the Bangalore zoo to have her elephant ride. You can read all about the Biological Park and the Safari in my blog post.
Here is a view of how the safari bus was armored.
Sloth bear.
Lion cubs.
Dalton was signing "dog" and "cat" the whole bus ride.No zoom. Helooooo, white tiger.
We're not sure if this sign was horribly outdated or horribly politically incorrect. Probably both.
Words cannot describe how excited our kids were about seeing the elephants up close. But this picture of Maggie comes close!
Lots of caiman. They had several different types of crocodiles, but none so plentiful as these!
This guy wanted his picture taken with Maggie... but didn't have a camera.
The people in front of us stuck their hands under this fence and petted the zebra.
Dalton petting the elephant.
Baby elephant giving Maggie a kiss.
Even the elephants were greedy for tips.
Dalton was so excited about all the other elephants in the enclosure.
This is the only picture with all four of us. Next time we'll sit on the same side!

Color Coordinated

We came into the living room and found Maggie "reading" her alphabet practice book. She had lined up all of the new toys according to color, including sorting the Elefun butterflies, and putting the wind-up dinosaurs next to the coordinating ball. Also, see her cute new Snoopy socks?

Christmas Toys, Christmas Joys

Here are some pics of this year's Christmas Morning festivities.
Opening white elephant gifts at our Christmas Eve party.
Explaining to Maggie what Santa brought her.
So excited to see what was in his "stocking". (It was a wind up dinosaur.)
Maggie was pretty excited about the contents of her "stocking" as well. This is an alphabet writing practice book I bought for preschool.
Opening Legos.Dalton got a huge bag of cheap-o plastic balls.The kids loved Elefun - once we finally found batteries for it.Here is a hilarious video of the kids dancing to Dalton's Handy Manny toolbox. Maggie is going to be so embarrassed of this someday.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

White Christmas

We may have a White Christmas after all...
Bakersfield style.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Little Driver

Dalton's turn to drive today. I think it was the driver's idea, but Dalton was all for it.I suppose this is what I get for not using the car seat.

Papparazzi (aka Dalton's Fan Club)

It was Family Day at John's work today, so we went in. The kids were a big hit.
And this reaction is quite typical (though no one's been so brave as to take pictures before - perhaps because these people know John. And to be fair, I was taking pictures of them).
Maggie would only speak Horse.
(I think the men are usually wearing business casual (or jeans for Friday) but it was also Cultural Day.)And this is us playing outsidein shorts and drinking smoothies in December.
It was a good day.